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Úvod Detail turnaje Belgian Open FootGolf 2019

Detail turnaje

Belgian Open FootGolf 2019

23. - 25.08.2019
Propozice k turnaji Výsledky Informace o hlavním hřišti
Organizátor Belgium FootGolf Association
E-mail info@footgolfbelgium.com

This year we will organize for the 6th time the Belgian Open. It will be a at the same course as last year bur we re-allocated 4 holes. Come and enjoy the great view on a big lake.

This is a 250FIFG tournament and it's required to have a WT license to play this tournament.



Prize money:

  • Min. 2000 dollar


  • Men
  • +45 (min 6 players)
  • Women (min 4 players)

Entry fee:

  • 150euro men+senior, 170 euro after the 1th of August
  • 130euro women, 150 euro after the 1th of August
  • Fee includes all applicable fees e.g. tournament fee, greenfee etc.
    • Friday evening reception
    • Saturday and Sunday refreshment drinks and snack on the course
    • Saturday and Sunday meal


  • Friday: practice from 15h, reception at 20h
  • Saturday: start at 10h, food at 19h in the clubhouse or 10 minutes from the course
  • Sunday: start at 10h and sandwich when your are finished
  • Prize ceremony +/- 1 hour after the last flight

The course is only 45minutes from Brussels South Charleroi airport, from almoust every country you can fly there by Ryanair and other low cost airlines. Brussels airport is 1h20 minutes drive.

For oversea and other European players, the week before is the German Open and the week after the Major in the UK, it's both only a few hours from the course.


Status turnaje Max.počet hráčů Počet kategorií? Počet registrovaných? Počet týmů?
Ukončeno, výsledky 200 5 87 5

Hlavní partneři turnaje

gScore Pro1Golf - Golf Club des Lacs FIFG World Tour Belgium FootGolf Association BIERES et FROMAGES DE CHIMAY

Základní informace

Historie footgolfu v ČR se datuje na rok 2015, kdy se začalo hrát na prvním footgolfovém hřišti nedaleko Prahy v Golf resortu Botanika. Footgolf tak navazuje na organizaci fotbalgolfu v ČR. Tato spolupráce se rozvinula tak, že v roce 2020 spadá Footgolf a Fotbalgolf pod jednu asociaci (Česká footgolfová a fotbalgolfová asociace z.s. - CFGA) a začíná nová éra těchto sportů pod jednou hlavičkou. CFGA je členem Mezinárodní světové federace pro footgolf - Federation for International FootGolf (FIFG), která zastřešuje téměř čtyřicet zemí z celého světa.

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