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Úvod Detail turnaje Capital Cup 2018

Detail turnaje

Capital Cup 2018

07. - 10.06.2018

About Capital Cup

  • € 220 entry fee
  • € 10.000 - 20.000 prize fund
  • Welcome dinner on thursday
  • Free lunches for all the players
  • Masseuse available on competition days
  • Major and 1.000 point World Tour event
  • Make sure you are a World Tour member, only members can participate


Just like in 2017 the Capital Cup will be a FIFG Major and worth 1.000 World Tour points. We are very proud of this status and we will do our very best to match all the expectations of both the world federation and of course all the players and fans.

To do so we lined up a program, that will contain a lot of FootGolf for hundreds of players, a great welcome ceremony, partnerships with companies, federations and clubs, side events for the players and for others to introduce them to the sport.

The amount of cash prizes is 10.500 EUR. Of course the best players in the general classification will be rewarded, but also the best female players, the best nations and the best seniors (46+, 51+, 56+).

After two days there will be a cut between two parts of the general classification. One side of the field will play one side of the course, the other part on the other side.

Thursday practice

If you want to get rid of your jet lag or get to know the course, this is your day. This day we have 36 holes blocked for you so you can try the best lines and do some practice rounds. Furthermore, you can meet the other contestants.

We don't work with a tee time. Everyone is welcome from 10.00 o'clock on to start their practice round. Around 18.00 we will close the course.

After the practice round we will start our welcome ceremony. It will not take place at the golf club, but at Villa Thalia, downtown Rotterdam. A pleasant program is waiting for you, including dinner, a FootGolf quiz and the Capital Cup Awards. For those who want to party...this location will turn into a club at 23.00 o'clock. So we hope to see you all this evening (and during day time).

Friday First 18

Today we kick off the fifth edition of the Capital Cup. The best players will secure a spot in top of the leaderboard and get surrounded by the best players of the field. We play on two loops of 36 holes, in two shot gun starts.

Saturday Second 18

After a practice day and the first round on friday we expect some firework on Saturday. All players will play a different loop compared to the first day, so new challenges are on everyone's schedule.

Sunday Final Day

Maybe the most important day of the entire event. After two exciting days of FootGolf the general classification will be decided today. Another 18 holes will be the gap between victory and disappointment.

Furthermore, the best overall players will receive their prices.

Status turnaje Max.počet hráčů Počet kategorií? Počet registrovaných? Počet týmů?
Ukončeno, výsledky 250 5 218 16

Hlavní partneři turnaje

Motorola Mobility UK Ltd. Gulden

Základní informace

Historie footgolfu v ČR se datuje na rok 2015, kdy se začalo hrát na prvním footgolfovém hřišti nedaleko Prahy v Golf resortu Botanika. Footgolf tak navazuje na organizaci fotbalgolfu v ČR. Tato spolupráce se rozvinula tak, že v roce 2020 spadá Footgolf a Fotbalgolf pod jednu asociaci (Česká footgolfová a fotbalgolfová asociace z.s. - CFGA) a začíná nová éra těchto sportů pod jednou hlavičkou. CFGA je členem Mezinárodní světové federace pro footgolf - Federation for International FootGolf (FIFG), která zastřešuje téměř čtyřicet zemí z celého světa.

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Federation for International FootGolf logo gScore logo

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