Kontakt Jazyk CZ
Úvod Detail turnaje FIFG 500 Footgolf Czech Edition 2024

Detail turnaje

FIFG 500 Footgolf Czech Edition 2024

05. - 07.07.2024
Výsledky Informace o hlavním hřišti
Organizátor FG Mladá Boleslav, z.s.
E-mail Info@fgmb.cz



Thursday - 04.07.2024

19:00 Live stream of the flights draw

Friday (Practice Day) - 05.07.2024

9:00   Check-in & Registration at Golf Mladá Boleslav
9:00   Practice round - 18 holes
 Celebrity tournament
20:00 Opening ceremony + dinner + tournament informations + charity raffle

Saturday (Day 1) - 06.07.2024

08:00  Check-in & Registration at Golf Mladá Boleslav
08:30  Day 1 - start of the first round of the tournament
11:00 - 15:00  Lunch at the clubhouse
16:00 Pairs competition
20:00 Evening programme at the course

Sunday (Day 2) - 07.07.2024

08:00 Check-in & Registration at Golf Mladá Boleslav
08:30 Day 2 - start of the second round of the tournament
11:00 - 15:00  Lunch at the clubhouse
17:30 Awards ceremony

All payments needs to be processed via bank transfer - invoice for every player will be issued after registration


Package 1: Standard Fee: 265€ (240€ women, 200€ juniors)
What is included:

  • Practice day
  • Opening and award ceremony
  • Gift bag for the players 
  • 2 rounds of the 18 holes competition
  • Access to the VIP/Partner tournament
  • Evening programme at the clubhouse on Saturday
  • 2x lunch (Saturday + Sunday)
  • 1x dinner (Friday)
  • Prize money 7 500 € - 15 000 €


Package 2: Entry fee + 3 nights at the hotel on the course – 465 € (440€ women, 400€ juniors)

What is included:

  • Everything above mentioned in Package 1
  • 3 nights at 4*hotel on the course with bfst, Friday 5th- Monday 8th July - limited spots, based on double occupancy


Package 3: Entry fee + 2 nights at the hotel on the course – 420 € (395€ women. 355€ juniors)

What is included:

  • Everything above mentioned in Package 1
  • 2 nights at 4*hotel on the course with bfst, Friday 5th- Sunday 8th July (check out at 10AM) - limited spots, based on double occupancy


Package 4: 3-night Non-players package:

Fee: 289€
via email footgolf@fgmb.cz

What is included:

  • Practice day access
  • Access to the charity VIP tournament
  • 3 night of accomodation (breakfast included) - Friday 5th July - Monday 8th July
  • Opening and award ceremony
  • 2x lunch (Saturday + Sunday)
  • 1x dinner (Friday)


Package 5: 2-night Non-players package:

Fee: 245€
via email footgolf@fgmb.cz

What is included:

  • Practice day access
  • Access to the charity VIP tournament
  • 2 night of accomodation (breakfast included) - Friday 5th July - Sunday 7th July (check out at 10AM) - limited spots, based on double occupancy
  • Opening and award ceremony
  • 2x lunch (Saturday + Sunday)
  • 1x dinner (Friday)



Cancelation until 30.4.2024 – 80% of paid fee will be returned

Cancelation until 31.5.2024 – 50% of paid fee will be returned

Cancelation after 1.6.2024 – 0% of paid fee will be returned

Status turnaje Max.počet hráčů Počet kategorií? Počet registrovaných? Počet týmů?
Ukončeno, výsledky 180 8 64 19

Hlavní partneři turnaje

MITEL a.s. Nia-Šperky.cz Trhalka Golf Mladá Boleslav Město Mladá Boleslav Alpine Pro

Základní informace

Historie footgolfu v ČR se datuje na rok 2015, kdy se začalo hrát na prvním footgolfovém hřišti nedaleko Prahy v Golf resortu Botanika. Footgolf tak navazuje na organizaci fotbalgolfu v ČR. Tato spolupráce se rozvinula tak, že v roce 2020 spadá Footgolf a Fotbalgolf pod jednu asociaci (Česká footgolfová a fotbalgolfová asociace z.s. - CFGA) a začíná nová éra těchto sportů pod jednou hlavičkou. CFGA je členem Mezinárodní světové federace pro footgolf - Federation for International FootGolf (FIFG), která zastřešuje téměř čtyřicet zemí z celého světa.

Důležité odkazy

Federation for International FootGolf logo gScore logo

Mediální partneři

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